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Sometimes long nezasypanie so upset that already is a worry does not go to sleep afterwards. Do not worry. This happens from time to time with almost everyone. If sleep problems are not systematic, they do not leave a trace.

If you managed to sleep 1,5 - 2 hours, then a substantial body burdens could be avoided, and the next night you catch up.

If night sleep did not come to you, be sure to drastically reduce the next day physical activity.

Avoid long-term use of hypnotic drugs. First of all, because the resultant sleep is not full. It disrupted the natural alternation of phases, no phase of dreams. Restoring and regenerating effect of the sleep restricted. Should also bear in mind that some drugs have violated the production of melatonin. Containing their medication to take before bed is not desirable.

Substances that violate the production of melatonin

Benzodiazipiny, beta-blockers, caffeine.