Healthy Sleep .... and more

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Sleep - one of the most important physiological processes in the human body. During sleep the brain processes the information received per day, while performing many functions to restore the efficiency of the organism. Sleep allows us to correct damage caused by the body during the day, including at the cellular level, and adjusts the body's immune system to further active work. It is during sleep retreat disease, resting the nervous system, and the body stores energy for a new day.

A study by American scientists, found that people sleeping less than seven hours a day, more frequently suffer from colds - the risk to catch a cold from them three times higher than those who sleep eight hours a day or more. It is believed that lack of sleep weakens the immune system and ability to fight viruses that cause influenza and ARI. It was also found that the important role played and the quality of sleep. Participants of the experiment, which was tormented by insomnia, catching cold in five and a half times more likely than those who did not have sleep problems. The study is published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. Previously, scientists have found that people sleeping seven to eight hours a day, the least prone to heart disease, although no direct correlation between quantity and quality of sleep and the immune system then has not been established.

Favorable for the person during sleep depends on the availability and the level of several hormones. Conversely, sleep disturbances, in turn, can affect hormone production. Thus, lack of sleep duration affects the balance of hormones in the body, signaling hunger and satiety. As a result, people often feel the need for food and with great difficulty could get enough. As confirmed by the statistical observation that few people are sleeping more are overweight.

Hormones - a substance produced by the body direct specific action. This means that they carry out their task, even if the body at the moment it is not necessary.

The most important of the hormones that affect sleep - melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. He starts to stand out, when the eyes signal the brain that come at night. In daylight it is not produced, and, accordingly, weakness and drowsiness disappear. For making melatonin, the body must first two components: the amino acid tryptophan and sugar. Sleep problems can be caused by a lack of tryptophan in the body.