Do I Have To Immunostimulants?

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Strengthening of immunity - one of the most talked about is the fact. Many are worried about how to prepare for the season of colds. Popular Board - drink immunostimulants. There will always be willing to talk about some «wonderful tool», which is not the first year of helping the family, neighbors, girlfriends ... and doctors ask - Where did you get that you need it?


Immunity become a familiar part of our autumn of life. Child depressed and did not want to go to school? Now we drop it, the course propet - and order. Expected delivery of the project, and you often catches cold? On the advice of colleagues in store drinking a magic tool that «Well everybody always excellent help».

     * Immunogram, or how to measure the immunity
     * 7 myths about colds
     * Cook action "Support immunity"

Meanwhile, doctors warn: the immune system is too complex to like that, simply, its «spur». How it works, simply and lucidly in his blog explains immunologist Tatiana Tikhomirova, who now lives in Philadelphia. In brief, for a healthy life of a balance of two forces: anti-inflammatory (causes inflammation, kills the invaders - bacteria or viruses) and anti-inflammatory (and oversaw the «fighting»). The balance is fraught with serious consequences - for example, an infectious-toxic shock. By default can not be taken immunostimulants those whose relatives suffer from autoimmune diseases (among them - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus).


Fortunately, most of immunostimulants that are sold in pharmacies, seriously on the immune system as a whole do not affect healthy people. With flu and cold, they can really help (but this is not a fact). But then drink them at random «for immunity» doctors advise.
As a person determines that he needs to improve the immunity? Usually focusing on the classic signs of declining onogo: frequent colds, inflammatory diseases, passing into the chronic, long healing sores on the skin. One «but»: there are lots of other things, give these symptoms. Only a doctor can determine what was going on. Therefore it makes no sense to transfer money and time on «maybe help». It is better to spend them properly: go to an appointment with a specialist, examined, to find the root cause - and here it is and understand. To note: only 5% of people really have problems with the immune system, require serious treatment. Old and simple, safe and effective ways to support the body's defenses: how to eat, to sleep, to play sports. But it is so boring ...