Spirulina - New Natural Super Food ... I think so

3:39 AM Posted In , , , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Spirulina - New Natural  Super Food

The aim of the young scientist, Dr. Christopher Hills was to find a solution to the problem of world hunger. He imagined a world without starving children, no diseases, malnutrition, a world where all people have the opportunity to live longer and be healthier. Together with Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura, they re-"discovered" Spirulina and its biological value. It was virtually a forgotten power source: the historical data show that spirulina grown man back in 1521.

Following the presentation of this beautiful superpischi in the western world through publications and lectures, Dr. Hills became known as the "father of spirulina. Originally from England, Dr. Hills has decided to settle in California to grow and distribute spirulina directly to consumers. He organized his own company Light Force and was able to donate millions of dollars on products from spirulina to provide and feed the hungry families around the world.

Continuing study of spirulina, Dr. Hills made another important discovery - a powerful antioxidant complex, which he identified from spirulina and algae Dunaliella and called fikotenom (Phycotene ®).

Fikoten include B-carotene and a set of 16 powerful carotenoids and trace elements that act together, performing various functions in the body related to food.

In 1996, Dr. Hills and Company Light Force entered into the company network and Royal BodyCare fikoten became its exclusive product.

In spirulina is all that is necessary
human body

In today's high pace of life many people eat on the run, somehow.

Spirulina - is a "high-" superpischa, which supplies nutrients to the body clean and helps to restore memory. This product is popular with athletes because it provides them pure amino acids. Spirulina also provides the energy of people with serious conditions, students, pregnant women and all who need stamina at the present pace of life.

By Dr. Christopher Hills was a dream - to help the poor and malnourished people. He realized it, creating this superpischu that was of great benefit to others. The company is currently Royal BodyCare (RBC) supports the tradition of Dr. Hills and manufactures products according to strict quality standards, ensuring that the product contains 100% spirulina without fillers or additives.

What is Spirulina

Spirulina - is a microscopic blue-green algae. They are one of the main components of plankton. Their shape resembles a rolled coil.

Spirulina - the bulk of the food chain, and nature is very rich with this wonderful superpischey. This is a golden source of nutrients! For example, only one tablespoon of spirulina powder, produced by RBC, contains:


       350% of the U.S. recommended daily requirement (RDA) of vitamin B12. This makes spiro-ling the richest source of vitamin B12?. It is necessary for cell metabolism, especially for vegetarians, who previously did not have a reliable vegetable source of this vitamin.

       56% of vitamin B2 and 48% of vitamin B1. B vitamins are necessary for strengthening the nervous system, healthy skin, eyes, promote hair growth, normal functioning of the liver and other organs and tissues. Support the muscle tone of the digestive tract. These vitamins are water-soluble and relatively rapidly eliminated from the body, so need their daily intake. Spirulina - is a great way to be sure that you get enough of them.

       540% RDA of vitamin A in its most common form - the form of natural (3-karo-Ting. Since our body uses B-carotene is only out of necessity, there is no danger of forming any adverse toxic substances. Vitamin A - a vital antioxidant that helps protect healthy cells from free radicals.

       65-71% of highly assimilable full of proteins. High-quality vegetable proteins spirulina is easily digested to 85-95% compared with the proteins of meat, which absorbed only 20%. It contains 18 of the 22 amino acids needed by the body, including 9 essential amino acids in suitable proportions and 9 interchangeable. Protein - essential building blocks of the human body. It is necessary for the formation of tissues, including muscle, blood, skin, nails, hair, internal organs. Proteins are the basis of many complex compounds, such as enzymes (which speed up chemical reactions), hormones (which regulate and control many functions of the organism), antibodies (which protect against alien and toxic substances).

       A considerable amount of glycogen (rarely occurring in plants) - a source of energy that is stored in the liver.

       At 300% more iron than a piece of meat. Iron is essential for the functioning and the synthesis of hemoglobin - the red pigment contained in red blood cells (erythrocytes), which carries out the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and is involved in the transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs.

       More chlorophyll than alfalfa and wheat. Chlorophyll - one of the most important natural pigments present in abundance in spirulina. He is known as biliproteinovy pigment and is sometimes called "green blood" because its molecular structure is similar theme - the red pigment in our blood.

       Significant quantities of vitamin E, calcium, iron, nicotinic acid, rhamnose, enzymes, fikotsianina and many other components.

Next A few Tips:

4:21 AM Posted In , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Sometimes long nezasypanie so upset that already is a worry does not go to sleep afterwards. Do not worry. This happens from time to time with almost everyone. If sleep problems are not systematic, they do not leave a trace.

If you managed to sleep 1,5 - 2 hours, then a substantial body burdens could be avoided, and the next night you catch up.

If night sleep did not come to you, be sure to drastically reduce the next day physical activity.

Avoid long-term use of hypnotic drugs. First of all, because the resultant sleep is not full. It disrupted the natural alternation of phases, no phase of dreams. Restoring and regenerating effect of the sleep restricted. Should also bear in mind that some drugs have violated the production of melatonin. Containing their medication to take before bed is not desirable.

Substances that violate the production of melatonin

Benzodiazipiny, beta-blockers, caffeine.

Simple Advice From Alla

4:19 AM Posted In , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Although usually recommended in the morning for breakfast is more solid, I do not advise you to eat sooner than will be two or, at least one hour after you wake up. In fact there are many reasons. Home: not part of the stomach, digesting dense food, energy-draining body, sucking the energy from other organs. When he is fully "awake", it will process all the food in physical energy. By the way, the water - the easiest on the stomach product on the planet - is best included in a job.

In connection with this - other advice. Be sure to drink a morning cup of hot water, better with honey and lemon juice, and can be diluted with water mixed with honey heavily concentrated infusion of tea fungus.

Most people have a much increased demand for food, too much appetite that with a healthy lifestyle is not compatible. This is largely derived from the problem of obesity and many diseases, as well as financial difficulties. I recommend the following rules for eating, get used to that pretty easily, but, being accustomed, it is very easy to follow. So. Having food in your mouth while doing a deep breath for 7 seconds. Chewing food, within 7 seconds, hold breath. Breathe too slowly for 7 seconds. You will notice how suddenly you drop the necessary quantity of food, and how many products will remain on the table. In addition, the physical food to some extent replaced by a power food - and this new knowledge and opportunities to evolution.

Eating it is desirable to start each time with a "live": vegetables, fruits. Best of all - fresh cucumber, fresh cabbage (you can replace it with a fermented), vinaigrette. If meals are cages porridge - it is better to eat fruit.

Over three hours of bedtime food should not eat at all, except for apples and other fruits, juices, or, in extreme cases, vegetables or yogurt. By the way, eating a few apples in the evening and then, having fallen asleep on the right side, you - spend a prevention of the liver and improve blood composition.

Excerpts from my book, I advise you to read without haste, muttering to himself, better if a few times. Through the eyes and pleasant thoughts can affect the heart and the soul controls the physical body. And I want to remind the prediction of a great educator and thinker Constantin Ushinskogo become a reality with the advent of Biogimnastiki: "Not far from the time when the gym would be a powerful medical tool, even in the deep internal medicine. And what is the gymnastic treatment and education of the physical body, as not raising and his treatment by the will of man? directing the physical forces of the organism to one or another organ of the body, will remake the body or cure his illness. "

Enter a rule in your life does not load the body within an hour after you wake up serious physical exertion. For this reason, try not to drink with morning coffee. This leads to increased wear of the vessels and the heart. Even the car is not recommended to immediately proceed with the first gear to fourth. Instead, make sipping and stretching exercises. In biogimnastike a special set of "in bed", which is very well suited for this case.

More often smile, greet each other with smiles and shining eyes. This creates an additional positive exchange of subtle energy and allow you to maintain the health of its youth, it is easier to achieve harmony in the soul and body. Regular exchange of energy is one of the most effective ways to create a positive aura in and around himself.
Pronounce himself (and imagine himself) the following mantra:
I am the light and love, I have peace and tranquility.
In my body is burning the flame of the divine, and so I never be afraid
And I will share it with everybody, and I will give all people the light and love.

Healthy Sleep .... and more

4:14 AM Posted In , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Sleep - one of the most important physiological processes in the human body. During sleep the brain processes the information received per day, while performing many functions to restore the efficiency of the organism. Sleep allows us to correct damage caused by the body during the day, including at the cellular level, and adjusts the body's immune system to further active work. It is during sleep retreat disease, resting the nervous system, and the body stores energy for a new day.

A study by American scientists, found that people sleeping less than seven hours a day, more frequently suffer from colds - the risk to catch a cold from them three times higher than those who sleep eight hours a day or more. It is believed that lack of sleep weakens the immune system and ability to fight viruses that cause influenza and ARI. It was also found that the important role played and the quality of sleep. Participants of the experiment, which was tormented by insomnia, catching cold in five and a half times more likely than those who did not have sleep problems. The study is published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine. Previously, scientists have found that people sleeping seven to eight hours a day, the least prone to heart disease, although no direct correlation between quantity and quality of sleep and the immune system then has not been established.

Favorable for the person during sleep depends on the availability and the level of several hormones. Conversely, sleep disturbances, in turn, can affect hormone production. Thus, lack of sleep duration affects the balance of hormones in the body, signaling hunger and satiety. As a result, people often feel the need for food and with great difficulty could get enough. As confirmed by the statistical observation that few people are sleeping more are overweight.

Hormones - a substance produced by the body direct specific action. This means that they carry out their task, even if the body at the moment it is not necessary.

The most important of the hormones that affect sleep - melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. He starts to stand out, when the eyes signal the brain that come at night. In daylight it is not produced, and, accordingly, weakness and drowsiness disappear. For making melatonin, the body must first two components: the amino acid tryptophan and sugar. Sleep problems can be caused by a lack of tryptophan in the body.

Do I Have To Immunostimulants?

1:27 PM Posted In , , , , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »
Strengthening of immunity - one of the most talked about is the fact. Many are worried about how to prepare for the season of colds. Popular Board - drink immunostimulants. There will always be willing to talk about some «wonderful tool», which is not the first year of helping the family, neighbors, girlfriends ... and doctors ask - Where did you get that you need it?


Immunity become a familiar part of our autumn of life. Child depressed and did not want to go to school? Now we drop it, the course propet - and order. Expected delivery of the project, and you often catches cold? On the advice of colleagues in store drinking a magic tool that «Well everybody always excellent help».

     * Immunogram, or how to measure the immunity
     * 7 myths about colds
     * Cook action "Support immunity"

Meanwhile, doctors warn: the immune system is too complex to like that, simply, its «spur». How it works, simply and lucidly in his blog explains immunologist Tatiana Tikhomirova, who now lives in Philadelphia. In brief, for a healthy life of a balance of two forces: anti-inflammatory (causes inflammation, kills the invaders - bacteria or viruses) and anti-inflammatory (and oversaw the «fighting»). The balance is fraught with serious consequences - for example, an infectious-toxic shock. By default can not be taken immunostimulants those whose relatives suffer from autoimmune diseases (among them - rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus).


Fortunately, most of immunostimulants that are sold in pharmacies, seriously on the immune system as a whole do not affect healthy people. With flu and cold, they can really help (but this is not a fact). But then drink them at random «for immunity» doctors advise.
As a person determines that he needs to improve the immunity? Usually focusing on the classic signs of declining onogo: frequent colds, inflammatory diseases, passing into the chronic, long healing sores on the skin. One «but»: there are lots of other things, give these symptoms. Only a doctor can determine what was going on. Therefore it makes no sense to transfer money and time on «maybe help». It is better to spend them properly: go to an appointment with a specialist, examined, to find the root cause - and here it is and understand. To note: only 5% of people really have problems with the immune system, require serious treatment. Old and simple, safe and effective ways to support the body's defenses: how to eat, to sleep, to play sports. But it is so boring ...